Get in touch

If you’re interested in the work we do and would like to connect with us, we would love to hear from you.

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Contact details
Registration number: 2021 / 592679 / 08

Address (SA)

19 Glynnville Terrace
Gardens, Cape Town, 8001
South Africa

Address (NL)

Jacob van Lennepstraat 15O
1053 HA Amsterdam

Frequently asked questions

Thank you for showing interest in our case, try to find your answer down below in the FAQ. If you have another request feel free to us via the contact form

What is it Little Lions does?

Little Lions educates and employs local role models as mental health coaches, who give mental health workshop to kids in townships around Cape Town and Stellenbosch. If you want more details on what we do, go to our home page.

What is our goal at Little Lions?

Our goal at Little lions is to help children from under-resourced communities become mentally more robust through an “army” of mental health coaches. For 2022 we are aiming to give 1100 workshops. For more info, visit our about page.

Why should I get involved?

As it stands right now, South Africa’s National development plan 2030 does not mention how they plan to support basic mental health needs, let alone a concrete plan on how to help this vulnerable group of people. So we did and you can become part of this. Read more about how on the get involved / ambassador page.

How can I get involved?

The essential thing that everyone can do for free is educate themselves on struggles in under-recoursed communities and help spread awareness. If you want to get involved, check out our ambassador program. The ambassador program is an opportunity for anyone to be a part of improving the mental health of disadvantaged children by offering us your network, knowledge, expertise, and support. You can also donate to us or an NGO that you believe in supporting a good cause

How can I manage my ambassador subscription?

To manage or cancel your subscription, login in the donor dashboard: click here.

How can I sign up for the ambassador projects?

If you want to take on the ambassador projects you first need to sign up as a hands-on ambassador. You will receive a ‘hands-on ambassador’-only newsletter with projects you can sign up for.

Where does my money go?

95% of the money you donates goes directly to Little Lions. With 10 euros, 32 kids will be able to have a meal and something to drink during our workshops. If you want to know more about our financials, go to get involved / ambassador program.

How can I subscribe to the Little Lions newsletter?

If you want to subscribe to our newsletter. Click here.

© 2025 Little Lions Child Coaching

Stichting Little Lions Nederland
NL27 ABNA 0108 3141 54